Protect your center console against scratches


This is a ‘MUST HAVE’ item for those with Piano Finish. 

I have seen people complaining that they center console gets scratched up from thing they put there. I myself am one of them. I tend to put my phone there as well. You know what place Im talking about. Its right under the shifter handle on top of the ash tray. Even though I have a rubber phone cover – I found a lot of scratches on my wood finish. Yes, you can buff it out but it will come back. How do you protect it? 

I have been looking for a product to protect the console. I couldn’t find anything. So I decided to make it. It came out so good that I felt that there maybe more guys out there that my need it. So I’m willing to make a few pieces and sell it to the Panamera enthusiasts.

Here is a few photos of the product.  You can purchase it only on this web site.


